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Grilled & Ready 
oven roasted diced chicken breast
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[8 on hand]

Tyson Grilled & Ready oven roasted diced chicken breast Center Front Picture
Why Buy?  Fully Cooked
   Boneless, Skinless With Rib Meat
   Coated With Roasted Seasonings
Pitch Line
 Fully Cooked Boneless, Skinless With Rib Meat Coated With Roasted Seasonings

Brand Name  Tyson
taxable in Michigan?  No
Product Size  22oz
Product Price  $11.25
Storage Climate  Frozen
Manufacturer  Tyson Foods, Inc./Dinner Meats
Shipping Weight  1.42 lbs.
upc  2370001627
Full-Size Product Picture
Tyson Grilled & Ready oven roasted diced chicken breast Full-Size Picture